Thursday, February 26, 2015

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are something that comes natural and each person has in his body. Where they serve the purpose that the defecation uncontrolled leaves the intestine. Hemorrhoids can be thought of as the corpus cavernous, which takes over along with the sphincter control of the anus. The hemorrhoids are found between the rectum and the anus.
The hemorrhoid suffering is one of the diseases where victims are often ashamed and even postpone seeing a doctor until they no longer stand it. The disease can be treated effectively, especially in the early stages. Those who do not meet the clinical picture from the start with the necessary seriousness could have his life to fight with.

Symptoms of a hemorrhoid suffering

As one of the most common diseases, the hemorrhoid suffering should be taken seriously. When the first signs are present, only a doctor can give information about the disease. A proctologist is the best place for it.
At the initial stage the hemorrhoids from outside can not be felt. Inwardly, however, they stand out already. Pain is usually not felt at the beginning, and the itching and oozing begins only in advanced stages. A first clue is a small amount of blood on the toilet paper or in the stool. But here, the defendant should not to burst into a panic. There may be other reasons. Enlightenment, however, can provide only a doctor.
In the advanced stage is added a burning, itching and pain. Nodes can emerge and must be pushed back. In the final stage, this is no longer possible. Also inflammation and eczema occur then, together with a slimy exudate, on.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

The cause of hemorrhoid suffering is often rooted in the habits of those affected. An incorrect, constipation-inducing, nutrition or too little fluid intake, the disease is favored. Those who drink lots of water and tea, daily 2 - 3 liters recommended that relieves his gut. Even overweight ensures constipation and therefore for hemorrhoids.
But the sporting activity can have negative effects. This is especially true for athletes who claim their pelvic area strong. Therefore, strength athletes are mostly affected, regardless of age. But also in volleyball, tennis or squash, through the many jumping, pelvis charged.
Pregnancy favors the hemorrhoid suffering, even after birth, but it is not the trigger. The disadvantage of the blood vessel walls can also be hereditary origin. In this case, the possibilities are limited.

Treatment of hemorrhoids


Before even thinking about the treatment, the disease should be clearly diagnosed. There are also other ailments in the gastrointestinal tract. At first symptoms but should not be delayed. The visiting a doctor - at best equal to a proctologist - ensures safety. Because only the specialist can determine the nature and the severity of the disease and prescribe targeted treatment.
The performance of the treatment depends largely on the severity of the hemorrhoid suffering. In the initial stage, the causes can be completely removed. Often all it takes is a better personal hygiene, the conversion of some eating habits, as well as the reduction of overweight to solve the problem. Who has first symptoms, which is still to help with ointments and suppositories. This gives relief and inhibits inflammation.
Only when the hemorrhoid suffering is more advanced, consideration must be given a surgical procedure. However, this should be the last resort, as this cause is not eliminated. In addition, the intervention, and the phase is then very painful.

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