Thursday, July 20, 2017

Junk food and its effects on the brain

Several research studies have found that junk food can affect the brain in the same way as nicotine or heroin.

What is junk food?

Some foods high in saturated fat are enough to make the brain stop responding to the leptin system. The leptin system is the portion of the brain that controls body weight and reproductive function.
When a diet high in fat and junk food is consumed over time, the body's hormonal system re configures itself and wants to store more fat. Early exposure to junk foods could cause the brain in children to reconfigure the body's chemistry so that bad food choices are chosen throughout life.
Everywhere, whether in print, online or on television, fast-food restaurants are pushing their tempting goods through the throats of the public. Value foods have become mega-sized and tastier with more additives and preservatives to increase appeal. Junk food is everywhere and because it is cheap and convenient, the appeal is growing in epidemic proportions.
The term "junk food" describes foods that are loaded with calories and have little or no nutritional value. The phrase was coined in 1972 by Michael Jacobson, the director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Foods that are easy to obtain, convenient and ready to eat, do not necessarily designate a food to be "junk food."

What are the effects of junk food on general health?

Medical science has demonstrated how important diet is in the growth, development and aging of the human body. Poor diet can directly contribute to failure in children and a decline in quality of life in the elderly population. Already in the history of the time of Hippocrates, medicine and diet have been inseparable.
Four of the top 10 causes of death are directly related to health conditions related to diet; Diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart attack , stroke and certain forms of cancer. It can not be denied that nutrition and diet have a direct effect on the physical health of an individual and eating right can actually delay the onset of many chronic health conditions and can greatly improve the quality of life for many.


Obesity and poor diet lead to debilitating health conditions and can result in death. Junk food contributes directly to people who have weight problems and experience any number of dangerous diseases. When a person eats more calories than they burn, the result is weight gain, how active a person is and what they eat are important facets for maintaining good health.
With proper healthy dietary considerations and knowledgeable food choices, a person can avoid many of the problems that can occur from eating junk food. It is important for a person to realize that eating healthy means not observing a diet, but rather avoiding junk food and making healthier choices when it comes to the foods they eat and the lifestyle they observe.

Side Effects of Soy Milk Intake

Soy milk is a product in which regular milk casein is replaced by soy protein derived from soy. It has been observed that soy milk has beneficial effects on many aspects of human health. For example, it has been traditionally used to reduce blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes mellifluous, lung and prostate cancer, and other diseases.

There are also side effects, however, especially if consumed in large quantities. Here we discuss some of the side effects reported by people using soy milk.

Short-term side effects

Most of the side effects associated with the use of soy milk are short term and are not clinically significant. These include bloating, nausea and constipation. If you notice a rash, itching or hot flashes after drinking soy milk, you are likely to be allergic to some of the ingredients in that product. In this case, you should stop using it and consult your doctor. No treatment is needed for these short-term side effects, except in severe cases, when symptomatic therapy can be given.

Long-term side effects

Imbalance of sex hormones. Soy milk and other soy-containing products can cause a hormonal imbalance that affects sex hormones. This is due to the fact that soy contains substances called is flavones. These phyto chemicals are analogs of estrogen and therefore are used in postmenopausal women to regulate their symptoms, such as hot flashes. The unwanted effect of is flavones is a decrease in the activity of natural estrogen in the human body, so women may experience symptoms of decreased estrogen concentration. Estrogen has many protective effects on the human body, and is responsible for women having a lower risk of cardiovascular disease before menopause.
On the other hand, it has been shown that women who consume soy products have a lower risk of breast cancer. This is because estrogen stimulates cell division and tumor growth, while is flavones are weak estrogen analogues that prevent the natural estrogen from fully expressing its activity.
Gastrointestinal symptoms. The ingredients of soy milk block the activity of the digestive enzymes necessary for the digestion of proteins. That's why soy milk can cause swelling and indigestion, but after prolonged use, a thin layer of mucus is created on the inner surface of the intestines, and can affect food digestion and long-term absorption. This layer is also formatted in the respiratory tract, so it can worsen asthma and cause problems in the breasts.
Absorption of minerals disturbed. Absorption of minerals is also reduced due to the reasons mentioned above, so it can cause iron deficiency, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Iodine deficiency can also occur in people who drink large amounts of soy milk for a longer period of time. Iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and the result of iodine deficiency is hypothyroidism.