The National Organization of American Chemicals recommends grapefruit juice as a mandatory part of breakfast, as this fruit is an excellent tool for prevention of cancer of the lungs and colon. Grapefruit is a tropical plant of the citrus family, and its curative powers were familiar to the Australian aborigines, who used it as a panacea.
Grapefruit is a rich source of vitamin C and pectin, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Yellow grapefruit has a lower concentration of vitamin C than the pink and red that protect against cancer, because they contain flavonoids - neutralizing substances that promote the development of malignant cells.
National Organization of American Chemicals recommends grapefruit juice as a mandatory part of breakfast, as this fruit is an excellent tool for prevention against lung cancer and colon cancer.
New findings on grapefruit confirm that this fruit is especially effective in fighting viruses and bacteria, so it is recommended for the treatment of influenza and colds.
Extract grapefruit seed extract, is a powerful remedy against about 800 species of bacteria and about 100 species of fungi. An essence can be prepared from grapefruit blossom, which can cure insomnia, but symptoms are caused by stomach and heart disease, while leaf extract has anti-inflammatory properties.
Juice is rich in bioflavonoid that aid digestion and promote the process of weight loss, and a positive effect on liver function and strengthens arteries.
Red grapefruit juice contains lycopene and carotenoids that have antitumor activity and relieve symptoms following osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but act as a balance in hematocrit levels.
Grapefruit cleanses the intestines and stabilizes the intestinal flora thanks to the naringin special ingredient, which gives the fruit a slightly bitter taste, and speeds up the digestion process. It is also a good source of pantothenic acid, which plays a key role in the production of cellular energy.
The studies carried out by a team of German scientists suggest that eating grapefruit helps to combat diseases of the flesh teeth. Studies have shown that only two fruits a day reduce the risk of bleeding gums.
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